English For Business

The world is changing, globalization is here and Indonesia is feeling its impact. It can be felt from one corner of the archipelago to the other, but particularly in fast growing busy hubs such as Surabaya. People, companies and governments from all around the world are now integrated. Developing global markets have created an unquenchable need to communicate and technology has connected us in ways which once seemed only possible in science fiction movies.

In today’s global market having excellent communication skills is a pre-requisite for business success. To put it plainly – the quality of your communication becomes the quantity of your success. Communicating across ocean borders and bridging cultures means communicating in a common language. This is where the English language as the ‘lingua franca’ comes into play.

Companies now realize that improving the communication of their employees in English for Business is critical, and it needs to happen immediately. HR Departments are scrambling to find training providers that will offer the fast track solutions they need.   However, all too often English language training programs end on a disappointing note. The immediate value of the program is not tangible and participants find it difficult to transfer language from a classroom setting into real life authentic business situations. Simply put, there is no tangible improvement in workplace communication.

So, what is the secret to a successful Business English Language Program?

Today, the focus of successful Business English Programs is not on just developing English language, but developing excellent communication skills in English. Programs that integrate these two critical components and called ‘hybrid’ programs; they combine soft skill business communication skills while scaffolding and developing English as a foreign language,

However, one size does not fit all. A Business English Program that is successful in one company with one group of participants may not be successful in another company.  Companies have different needs and so do the individual participants of a program. These both need to be catered to.

On a company level communication channels and methods needs to be evaluated.

  • What industry does your company work in?
  • How does your company communicate internally and externally?
  • Does your company have an existing service standard in another language which needs to be incorporated?
  • What standard operating procedures exist within in your company and how do they need to be incorporated?
  • What do the individual employees of your company need to be able to do in English?
  • What communication channels will they be required to use?


On an individual or participant level, the English proficiency as well as the general communication ability of the individual participants both need to be evaluated and taken into consideration before the program is designed.

  • What is the English language level of each participant?
  • How much exposure and contact do the participants have to English on a regular basis?
  • Are the participants ‘self-aware’ and do they have independent learning capabilities?
  • Can participants communicate effectively in business settings in their first language?
  • What soft skills training will they need?


Once these needs have been evaluated, an effective Business English Program can then be designed and developed which caters specifically to YOUR company’s communication needs.

It’s not just the program that is important, the trainer is also an essential element.

A successful trainer…

  • is a qualified and experienced language instructor
  • has a vast range of experience in different business sectors and a deep understanding of business communication
  • is dynamic and can motivate participants during and beyond the program
  • Is active in assisting both the participant’s and the company in creating a development plan for the future
  • Is flexible and can adjust both materials and methods to suit different groups of participants
  • monitors the individual progress of each participants and provides additional support when needed.


When you meet with a provider ask the right questions.

  • How will you evaluate our needs on a company and individual level?
  • Are you able to design a program to meet our specific needs?
  • What programs have you successfully developed in the past?
  • What industries and companies do you have experience in?
  • What are the qualifications and experience of your trainers?
  • How will you assist us to identify ways for future development?
  • Can we observe training in progress and view at sample training materials?
  • How do you monitor the participants’ progress and needs throughout the program?
  • Are you and the trainer prepared to make changes to the program if necessary?

Successful Business English Communication is essential for growth and success and it is obtainable. A provider that identifies your needs, maps out the program pathway, and custom designs the materials which will best support your company is the key to training excellence. Add a professional and motivating trainer and you will have a recipe for success!