English Training in Surabaya

English Today has officially operated in Surabaya!

We provide English training in Surabaya for you who would like to join premium English learning programs with internationally qualified English tutors and relevant English skills. Keep scrolling down to find out more about our excellent English training.

Time Saving English Learning Programs

We genuinely care about your schedule and your needs to learn English. Therefore, we provide time saving English learning programs to help you reach your fullest potential in the English language. You don’t need to worry about the traffic and transportation because we’ll come to your place and according to your desired learning schedule.  Some of our English classes include the following:

  • English for Handling Complaints

Handling complaints effectively and efficiently requires exposure to a wide variety of situations and a lot of practice. This course was specifically designed to equip you with excellent skills on handle complaints through a lot of practice, simulations and interactive games. Sign up for English for handling complaints class now only at English Today Surabaya.

  • Information Technology Skills

This course provides insight to improve your English language skills particularly in the computing and information technology sector.



  • Negotiation Skills

Do you find it difficult to negotiate in English? This course is the ideal choice for you. In this program, you will understand phrases, vocabulary and grammar related to business negotiation as well as negotiation strategies. Become excellent negotiators with the assistance of our negotiation linguists in this program.

Private English Tutoring in Surabaya

If you want to learn English with us privately, we provide private English tutoring program in Surabaya. You can set your learning purpose, learning schedule, the location even your private English tutor (native or local). Register for a private English learning program with us now, only at English Today Surabaya.

Ultimate English Learning Method

Based on our commitment, we always conduct English training with the ultimate English learning method that emphasizes on practice and real-life communication demands. Instead of writing down the materials on your notes and doing individual written tasks, we will make you learn English through a bunch of group discussions, presentations, role plays, simulations and fun games. In addition, this method is applied in all of our English training programs. Can you imagine how exciting it would be to participate our English classes?

Ways to Attain Native-like English Proficiency

Discover the way to attain native-like English proficiency by joining one of our premium quality learning programs now only at English Today Surabaya. For more inquiry about our programs, location, registration and fee, don’t hesitate to call our number +6231 2899 7209 or visit www.english-today-surabaya.com